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Capones Island

San Antonio, Zambales Philippines
I will be featuring Capones Island here which was the second destination among the three islands that me and my brother hopped last May of 2011.

One of the tourist spots in San Antonio, Zambales is the rocky Capones Island, one among the islands that people should go to. It's apparently like a hiding place for people, away from the crowd because it's a quiet and a very secluded location. It's surrounded by the crystal clear waters of the South China Sea; close to and a boat ride away from Anawangin Cove, Camara Island and the Pundaquit or San Miguel Jump Off Points. An abandoned Light House which is hundred years of age and an unfinished structure built by the Spanish government can be seen in this island. Both are historical in appearance. Presumably, proposed plans were already laid to restore them for Philippine Legacy.

Crystal Clear Waters
Big Rocks around the vicinity!
Stones & My Foot!
I was pointing at Something!
Capones Island by: Hope Olano

  San Antonio + Anawangin Cove + Capones Island + Camara island

Day 1
  • Departure From Manila
  • Olongapo To San Antonio
  • Buy Goods at San Antonio Market then proceed to Brgy. Pundaquit or San Miguel
  • From Brgy. Pundaquit or San Miguel - Boat Ride To Anawangin
  • Arrival To Anawangin Then Set A Camp
  • Lunch At The Cove
  • Explore Anawangin Cove & Rest
  • Beach Bumming & Take Pictures
  • Dinner & Bonfire & Rest
Day 2
  • Breakfast & Sightseeing
  • Pack - Up & Take The Rented Boat To Capones Island
  • Trek & Visit Lighthouse - Take Pictures
  • Head To Camara Island - Take Pictures
  • Head Back To Brgy. Pundaquit/San Miguel - Clean & Bath
  • From Brgy. Pundaquit/San Miguel - Return To San Antonio
  • Lunch at San Antonio - Head To Olongapo
  • Buy Pasalubong In Olongapo
  • Head Back To Manila
  • Arrival To Manila
Mike and The Tall Grasses!
The Light House
Old & Abandoned Water Tank
It was kinda spooky! Nobody else were around except the two of us!
The corroded stairs!
The narrow stairs used to climb up & down!
Used during the Spanish times as an eye if visitors or enemies were coming!
I Pictured Myself!
The Hole!
The View From The Light House!
In this photo: Off to Camara!

Anawangin Cove

Anawangin Sunset
As I've mentioned in my earlier post, me & my brother (my travel buddy) happened to reach San Antonio in Zambales because of our eagerness to explore Anawangin Cove. 

Anawangin Cove is a half-hour boat ride from the shores of Pundaquit in San Antonio, Zambales. It is a secluded, crescent-shaped cove (figure of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter) with an immaculately clean white sand beach. Its emergence & the tall pine trees dotted around its vicinity makes the place so unique. There are no direct roads leading to it. It is only accessible by a boat ride from Pundaquit or San Miguel in San Antonio, Zambales or by a 5 hour trek through Pundaquit mountains. Behind the beach is the pine forest and streams connecting to the sea.

San Antonio, Zambales Philippines
Getting There
By Land: Go to Barangay San Miguel or Pundaquit, in San Antonio, Zambales. Motor boats to Anawangin can be rented for Php1,500.00 - Round Trip.There are two options in reaching Barangay San Miguel or Pundaquit:
  1. Ride a bus bound for Iba or Sta. Cruz, Zambales via Victory Bus Liner then drop by San Antonio. Travel time is around 3 to 4 hours via NLEX
  2. Ride a bus bound for Olongapo City via Victory Bus Liner. Reaching Olongapo, ride an Iba or a Sta. Cruz bound bus then drop by San Antonio.

From San Antonio, ride a tricycle to San Miguel or Pundaquit. Standard rate is Php25 per person.

Where To Stay?
You can bring camping tents & equipments with you (foods, drinking water, matches, flashlights, medicine kit) if you plan to have an overnight stay. Just tell the boat man what time he's going to pick you up the next day to take you back to Pundaquit or San Miguel.
If it's a day trip or a whole day island hopping, there are accommodations in San Antonio where you can stay.

  • It's not advisable to sail so late in the afternoon or at night time. It's best to sail in the morning.
  • The area is facing the waters of South China Sea. Waters may possibly get rough anytime. Be careful.
  • Bring food & drinking water (There are stores in the cove but prices of the goods are doubled.)
  • No electricity. (Gas Lamps are available for rent Php50.00 Overnight)
  • No Phone Signals.
  • Camping Tent can be rented at San Miguel or Pundaquit for Php300.00 - Php400.00, just ask the boatman.
  • Entrance fee - Php100.00 for an overnight stay/Php50.00 for a daytrip
  • Bring your own garbage plastics.


  San Antonio + Anawangin Cove + Capones Island + Camara island

Day 1
  • Departure From Manila
  • Olongapo To San Antonio
  • Buy Goods at San Antonio Market then proceed to Brgy. Pundaquit or San Miguel
  • From Brgy. Pundaquit or San Miguel - Boat Ride To Anawangin
  • Arrival To Anawangin Then Set A Camp
  • Lunch At The Cove
  • Explore Anawangin Cove & Rest
  • Beach Bumming & Take Pictures
  • Dinner & Bonfire & Rest
Day 2
  • Breakfast & Sightseeing
  • Pack - Up & Take The Rented Boat To Capones Island
  • Trek & Visit Lighthouse - Take Pictures
  • Head To Camara Island - Take Pictures
  • Head Back To Brgy. Pundaquit/San Miguel - Clean & Bath
  • From Brgy. Pundaquit/San Miguel - Return To San Antonio
  • Lunch at San Antonio - Head To Olongapo
  • Buy Pasalubong In Olongapo
  • Head Back To Manila
  • Arrival To Manila

    Anawangin Cove @Night