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Tagaytay City

Taal Lake

Lawis Beach

Lawis Beach is located in Sinacaban, Misamis Occidental in Mindanao, Philippines.  The beach has improved a lot nowadays compared to my visit in 2009.   Many locals frequent there especially during occasions and celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, family outings, gatherings, private meetings and the like.  


  • Check my post about Sinacaban, Misamis Occidental to know how to get there.
  • From Sinacaban Town Proper, Lawis Beach is merely a walking distance away.  People can also ride a tricycle in getting there.  Fare is P20.00.

Cottages  are affordable.  Every cottage has its own videoke machine.  Five (5) Peso Coin can be inserted into a hole for a song!  Boats are available.  Life bouys can be rented.  Mini Stores can also be  found in the area as well.  If you want to grill something, best thing to do is to buy something fresh in the market (you can pass by a wet market in going there) before going to the beach.


Cottages - Ranging from P175.00 - P250.00
Videoke - P5.00 Coin/Song
Life Bouys & Vests - P50.00

Refreshments are available at the store inside the beach!