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Camara Island

After hopping Capones Island, we headed towards Camara Island.
Camara Island by: Hope Olano
Camara Island is a small and the closest island from the shores of Barangay Pundaquit and Barangay San Miguel in San Antonio, Zambales Jump Off Points. It's a boat ride away from Pundaquit or San Miguel and the famous Anawangin Cove. It's best described as a big lump of rock with white sands and fewer trees. The rock formations, the view of the open seas and scenic spots are very great for photo shootings . White sand becomes visible when low tides and vanishes when high tides. 
The Shallow Cave
Where To Stay
People can't possibly stay overnight or have a camping at Camara due to the unpredictable occurrencies as what I've cited in the precautions below.  It's more likely & safer to stay at Anawangin Cove. But for those who prefer to stay in a private accomodation, I'm suggesting Kuya Jimz Beach Resort, situated in Pundaquit & in the nearby area of San Miguel. It's clean and near to the island attractions, a perfect inn for travelers.
Getting There

From Manila Via Victory Liner Air-conditioned Bus
  • Cubao Terminal - Olongapo Terminal Php208.00
  • Olongapo Terminal - San Antonio, Zambales (via Sta. Cruz or Iba Bus) Ordinary Php44.00 / AC Php60.00
  • Reaching San Antonio: Tricyle - Brgy. Pundaquit/Brgy. San Miguel Php30.00/Head
  • Brgy. Pundaquit or Brgy. San Miguel (Jump Off Points) - Camara Island (via Motor Boat) Php700.00 Round Trip - Maximum of 4
  • Unlike Capones Island & Anawangin Cove, Camara is not suitable for camping trips because this area is very  humid. There are no shade of trees that'll protect people from the heat of the sun.
  • And/Or an overnight stay because this is just a small island. The water may rise beyond what people expect. It will be too dangerous. Just a daytime sightseeing tour I suggest.